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Top Ten Places To Enjoy The Real Sex

I love having fun. Almost everyone has a secret idea about sex and some of the best places for a real sex enjoyment with great intimate experience. Couples are looking to accomplish this activity with variations. It's fabulous to try different things when it comes to sex. Sometimes you want to liven up your love life, create a new memory, or just enjoy being a couple. Either way the following places for spontaneous sex are just a few great ideas to get you going. Make sure you have great fun, be safe, and most importantly get your needs met! Check top ten movies featuring real sex.


Top Ten Places For Real Sex
1. Inside The Car
Sex while driving is a very unsafe and law breaking act, so it's better to have sex while parking in a safe place. This is one of the best options for fun and intimacy. when you're driving around and, all you want to do is rip the clothes off the person in your passenger seat, my first recommendation is to pull over on the side of the road and only then go at it. This exciting experience requires no shame about your desires.
2. Inside The elevator
have you ever tried it against an elevator wall? Let me tell you, it's surprisingly hot. Besides the really hot elevator, the feeling of a private room that's moving is quite a sensation! Just keep in mind, it's best to find a building that isn't super busy so you can pull the emergency stop and not worry about getting caught.
3. Sex In the closet
An intimate experience in a closet is hot depending on the location of the closet. If you are at a party and find a private hide away, go rock each other's worlds. There's an exciting factor to knowing you may get caught. If it's a closet at your own house, skip it. It's less steamy and more creepy.

4. In the Bathroom
Fun in a bathroom is on almost everyone's list for sex adventures. Try a clean bathroom at a restaurant, at a club, at a friend's party, any bathroom should do. Only use your bathroom if a shower or bathtub is involved.

5. In The Wedding
Honestly, having sex at a wedding is great, any theme park will do, but there is something about an intimate experience at the happiest place on earth that just goes together. Don't try anything on a ride because it is not safe and you will get caught. They have cameras all over the place, but if you can find a private place to have a quick session, it's a story you'll never forget.I know how cliche this sounds, but weddings are one of the biggest turn ons for girls. It's an open bar, dancing, and a chance to #look your best. This is a great #chance for even the shiest girl to have an out-of-the-box experience with her partner. Keep in mind, going commando isn't the worst idea either.

6. Sex In Hotel Room
Sometimes it's nice to change things up and rent a hotel room for a night with your partner. You don't have to worry about making a mess, and there's room service to have for the morning after. The hotel room experience is just a great way to get your fantasies fullfilled and have fun too. Breakfast in bed is another excellent pro.
7. In The Office
If you have someone in office, it's great to have sex there. The next time you're feeling a little frisky, why not surprise your lover at their workplace? Doing it in an office might sound like something straight out of the movies, but it's hot! If you don't have a private office, find another room that's private for you and your loved one.

8. In The Park
Doing the deed at the park can be quite fun, but you have to make sure it's at night. If the park seems too risky for you, try a tennis court, baseball park or even the back of your old #high school,as long as the area is safe and empty.

9. Sex In Laundry Room
The laundry room is such a nice place to have intimate fun. Some people feel it is usually the most boring room in the house, but you can change that. The next time you and your lover have a spare moment together, get down and dirty on top of the washing machine (while it's on the spin cycle for best results) for some super stimulating action.

10. Sex On The Roof
This might take some planning so an intimate encounter on a roof might not be as spontaneous as others mentioned, but it's still fun. The roof gives you the rush of having sex in public while being sort of private since it's so high up. Just make sure you keep a safe distance from the edge - you do not want the date to end in an emergency room.

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