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Top 10 Smartphone Companies Of 2015

The smartphone industry is such a tough place to compete that it is hard to keep a company's top position: Everyday the priorities of people are changing and they are looking for new horizons of telecom industry. A few years back, Nokia was at considered as a top company of cellphones, then Samsung started commanding the world of cellphones, and now a days, it seems that it's Chinese are aiming to occupy the top position in this industry. The domain name 'Smartphone' is widely used and being 'Smart' it contains almost everything in it.

In 2014, Apple achieved record-breaking sales of its iPhone and surprised the industry, and people saw that it tried to compete with Samsung for achieving the first place. But, considering the changing minds of humanity - and it's very natural because Apple's majority of phones are upper-tier phones, whereas Samsung offered everything to its users and non-users from lowest to highest price devices. In the first few months of 2015, Samsung started grabbing the market shares with heavy amounts of sale all around the globe with sales of 82.8 million products.24.3% market share was at samsung's credit, while Apple's 61.6 million products were sold, giving them the second place with 17.9% of the market share.

On the other hand Sony and Microsoft, the two well known brands, couldn't gain a considerable sale and hence not present in the top 10 phone makers. Chinese phone brands however started gaining popularity and found their place in this list. In the top 10 phone producer's list now Asian phone makers are occupying the places, 7 of them are from China. There are new arrivals in this quarter, Vivo, a phone producer company that focuses on audio properties and sounds and its premium handsets has high-fidelity audio capabilities.

The list and rating of top 10 smartphone companies came from former Nokia executive Tomi Ahonen, He is considered a well repute personality, probably has the best track records when it comes to such predictions. Says, Obviously we've already watched the market share achievments of iPhones and my assumptions say that the actual market share for complete 2015 for the iPhone will be declined."

It's a projection, but based on the given momentum in iPhone sales, it doesn't seems to go against the market, so it'd be very interesting to keep a good track of that. We can feel at local markets as well, What do you think about this top 10 list of smart phone companies: share your comments with us. Read Top Ten Smartphone Reviews of 2013

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